Boxing Federationkfb.kz


Match Play between the National Teams from 4 Countries

12 february, 2014

 On February 16-19, 2014, Astana play host to a Match Play between the National Teams from the UK, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan that will take place in Zhastar Palace (28, Republic Square).

 This year, these competitions that are quite popular now will be held for the fourth time.  The UK boxers will participate in this tournament for the first time.  Over these four years, the National Teams from Azerbaijan, India, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and France used to come to Kazakhstan to take part in the match plays.


Boxing fans can watch the matches online on the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation site (www.kfb.kz).


Now the athletes from the National Teams of the UK, Russia and Kazakhstan are training together in the Boxing Development Center in Astana.  Uzbekistan’s team will arrive in Astana on February 15, 2014.


Tournament Schedule


February 15


Credentials Committee, Weighting


February 16


13:00 – Press Conference

14:00 – Russia – Uzbekistan

17:00 – UK – Kazakhstan


February 17


14:00 – UK – Russia

17:00 – Uzbekistan – Kazakhstan


February 18


Day Off


February 19


14:00 – UK – Uzbekistan

17:00 – Russia – Kazakhstan
