Boxing Federationkfb.kz


Alexander Strelnikov: «Vasily Levit doesn't give up, trains hard and follows his schedule»

02 february, 2018

He has also commented on the competition between Zhusupov and Yeleusinov.

The honored boxing coach of Kazakhstan Alexander Strelnikov in an interview has told about Abilaykhan Zhusupov's competition to Daniyar Yeleusinov, has estimated Vasily Levit's prospects in prize-fighting and also has told what tasks are set by coaching staff of the national team at the Asian games in Indonesia.

- You help with the national team of Kazakhstan to Myrzagali Aytzhanov and you train Abilaykhan Zhusupov and Vasily Levit. How do you think whether Zhusupov will be able to compete to Daniyar Yeleusinov in 69 kg?

- You know the boxing is such thing anything can happen here. Abilaykhan is a young boxer who progresses very fast. Daniyar is a well-experienced boxer with great achievements at the various tournaments. The spirit and trainings of boxers will identify the winner of this competition. You shouldn't forget about coach's work because he has the vision of athlete development. Any competition is useful and if it is absence this will negatively affect on their professional growth. It will make them stronger.

- What do you think about chances of Vasily Levit to go in professionals, considering that earlier it was an interest to him from various promoters?

- Everything will depend on Vasily. Any decision is made by the person on the sober head and it will mean the firmness of his intentions. If he wants it, he will do it and nobody will convince him of the return. He is responsible of his future.

- He will be 30 years old this year. Whether he will be able to compete at the Olympic Games in Tokyo?

- There are two and a half years before the Olympic Games. Everything will depend on his decision concerning the career. Health is important role too. Thirdly, every year we have opened talented boxers and they will try to impose him fight. Vasily doesn't give up, he trains hard and follow his schedule. So everything is real.

- In August in Indonesia the Asian games will start. How many medals can we achieve?

- I can't tell you exactly about medals. But as our coach's council said we will try to take the first all-team place. But the time can surprise us.
