Six Kazakhstan boxers became owners of the IOC scholarships
30 january, 2018

Since January 1, 2018 up to the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 six Kazakhstan boxers within the Olympic Solidarity program will get monthly grants – funds for preparation for the Olympic Games.
"The Olympic solidarity" is the program of the IOC directed to development of the Olympic Movement. Besides financial support and all grants to Tokyo will be got by 24 Kazakhstan athletes, the program provides educational programs for coaches and athletes.
"It was very pleasant to learn that I am included in number of the most perspective boxers of future Olympic Games" - the three-time champion of Asia Vasily Levit has told. – I think all of us will use this scholarship in the great way. We will train and prepare to be in the best shape in Tokyo. The team of boxers has a strategy, tactics and, of course, our purpose is to get the medals as much as possible".
The scholarships' list also includes the world boxing champion 2017 Kairat Yeraliyev, the bronze prize-winner of Rio Dariga Shakimova, prize-winners of the World Cup and Asian Shampionships 2017 Ablaykhan Zhusupov and Abilkhan Amankul and the two-time world champion Nazym Kyzaybay.